Add a Comment System to Your SvelteKit Blog with Giscus

Cesar Mejia · 18 Apr 2023

Markdown Examples
This is the first line.
And this is the second line.
I just love bold text. Italicized text is the cat’s meow.
Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle.
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
- Indented item
- Indented item
- Fourth item
- unordered
- indented list
Code Examples
Inline Code
Here is some inline code console.log('Hey I'm inline-code')
No Highlighting
Svelte<script lang="ts"> import { page } from '$app/stores' import { Url } from '$lib/url' export let data const { posts } = data </script> <svelte:head> <title>Cesar Mejia's Web Portfolio</title> <link rel="canonical" href={$page.url.href} /> </svelte:head> <div> <ul> {#each posts as post (post.slug)} <li class="mb-4"><a class="unstyled" href={Url.BlogDetail(post.slug)}>{post.title}</a></li> {/each} </ul> </div>
With Highlighting
JavaScriptexport async function load({ fetch }) { const variable = "this is a super long variable declaration come on" const res = await fetch(`/posts.json`) if (res.ok) { const { posts } = await res.json() return { posts } } } const code = 'yay!' const code = 'yay!'
With Focus
TypeScriptexport async function load({ fetch }) { const variable = "this is a super long variable declaration come on" const res = await fetch(`/posts.json`) if (res.ok) { const { posts } = await res.json() return { posts } } } const code = 'yay!' const code = 'yay!'
Remark Abbreviations Examples
This plugin works on Markdown Abstract Syntax Tree (MDAST), a Markdown Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) implemented by remark
Remark-Github Examples
- ref:
- Commit:
- Discussion: #1
- Issue: #2
- Mention: @cesarnml
A11y Emojis
test 🙂 inline